About me; about this blog

This blog is an attempt, an attempt to tell a story in fragments. The story is incomplete, as all stories are, but I hope it will eventually take the form of a bildungsroman.

Professionally, I've been trained as a philosopher. My heart is of an artist or a poet. My life thus far has been hedonistic and libertine.

Louisville Bernie Sanders Rally jean jacket arms raised in victory triumph
Me, Feelin' the Bern
We live in a post-modern, late-capistalistic age in which sincerity is scoffed at and cynicism rules the day. A healthy dose of cynicism is valuable lest we succumb to believing the easy lie instead of the difficult truth. But cynicism goes too far when it prevents one from speaking of what one really values or at the very least what one wants to value. Ideals, in the sense of eternal, pure, morally virtuous concepts, do not exist, but if what we mean by ideals is a gesture toward the world, the self, and the relationships that the self enters into that we would like to see exist, then the only thing preventing ideals from existing is our own bad faith or cowardice.

In this blog, I will set forward ideals in this latter sense. I will also set forward difficult truths. And a great deal of suspicion toward those ideals and truths to be sure. I will also put forward art, fiction, surface, and attempts to express the beauty and the horror of what is.

If this all sounds wildly and unsatisfactorily abstract, it seems so to me too. Like I said, it is only an attempt. An attempt to overcome.


  1. I want to participate. Address, please.

    1. 409 Fountain Court
      APT 2
      Louisville KY 40208

      What's yours? I look forward to exchanging mail art!

  2. I received an awesome envelope today! Thanks!!

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it! I love your stuff on Etsy.
